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Price Drop Alert: Zendura FLX!

Troubleshooting Clear Aligners for Optimal Results


At Quiteclear, we firmly believe that effective communication is the cornerstone of exceptional customer service. Rather than engaging in the blame game, we uphold a mature and proactive approach, marked by active listening, empathy, and swift resolution. Our utmost priority is to ensure that every customer feels not only heard and understood but also valued, even when confronted with the most challenging scenarios.

Our method for identifying the root causes of issues involves a meticulous process of elimination, in alignment with our internal client protocols. There are several critical variables at play when pinpointing the source of a problem.

Our general approach entails the careful consideration of various factors, which include:

  • Treatment Planning Accuracy: Professionals have learned the science behind planning the treatment course with years of learning, experience, and experimentation. The integration of AI into treatment planning software and the involvement of technicians have introduced new variables to the outcome of the treatment if certain care regarding orthodontic science is not followed. Failures in this regard significantly increase patient risk. Poor treatment planning, characterized by excessive movements, impractical tooth torques, incomplete rotations, improper intrusion/extrusion, erroneous engagement choices, insufficient interproximal reduction (IPR) planning, and inadequate pressure application, ranks as a leading cause of tracking and fitment issues, second only to patient non-compliance with wear time.
  • Scan Quality – Intraoral & Desktop Scanners: The adoption of intraoral scanners has gained traction among dental professionals. However, the quality of the scan, contingent on factors such as the scanner itself, the operator, and software output, dictates the ultimate scan outcome. The same scrutiny applies to scans derived from traditional casts. In instances of subpar mold quality, desktop scanner output may prove inadequate, resulting in improper aligner fitment. Quiteclear assesses digital files upon receipt, proceeding with subsequent stages only after internal scan quality verification. 
  • Patient Compliance with Wear Time: Non-compliance with recommended wear times stands as the foremost cause of treatment failure. Within the orthodontic community, 22 hours of daily wear is the standard recommendation. Patients seldom admit to non-compliance, but experienced orthodontists can typically deduce this behavior. An initial step in addressing fitment issues involves verifying if the last aligner fits properly. In such cases, Quiteclear often recommends patients wear the last fitting aligner for an additional week (backtracking) before attempting the next set of aligners. Should this approach prove unsuccessful, rescan and replan actions are advised to facilitate treatment progression.
  • IPR Performance: Interproximal reduction (IPR) is vital for creating space between teeth to facilitate their alignment. IPR stages are outlined in treatment plans, and ensuring that IPR is executed as prescribed is essential. Inadequate IPR can impede tooth movement due to insufficient space.
  • Correct Attachment Placement and Usage: Quiteclear, as a private label clear aligner manufacturer, meticulously evaluates treatment-planned files before commencing manufacturing. Should attachment buttons be positioned too closely to the gumline or neighboring teeth, limiting proper aligner formation, we advise clients to relocate the attachments for optimal outcomes. Attachment buttons play a pivotal role in achieving desired tooth movements.
  • Manufacturing Defects: Manufacturing defects may manifest when aligners do not snugly fit around molars, causing them to dislodge upon contact with the tongue. Such issues arise from excessive aligner length or overly flat teeth. In these cases, the treatment plan should incorporate retention attachments on the last molars or adjust the aligner length accordingly during ordering.
  • Breakage, Wear and Tear, Deformities: Aligners are designed for 22 hours of wear over two weeks. Selecting the appropriate thermoforming foil, like Zendura FLX, CA Pro Plus, or Erkodur-al, is essential, especially for cases with numerous attachments. Rigid sheets can make aligner removal challenging and induce patient discomfort. It is crucial to strictly adhere to aligner care guidelines, refrain from food or beverage consumption (excluding water) while wearing aligners, as well as avoiding hot water for cleaning (casuing deformity of the aligner)
  • Dental Work Mid-Treatment: Dental procedures like root canals or implants during clear aligner treatment can disrupt the treatment course, either due to deviations from the recommended wear time or changes in tooth anatomy.
  • Aligner Size: Aligners that are either too large or too small pose significant problems. Factors contributing to this issue may include inaccurate scans, deviations from the planned tooth movement, or manufacturing errors. Should issues persist after remanufacturing, a rescan and treatment plan adjustment may be necessary.
  • Pre-conditions and Age-Related Factors: Receding gumlines and bone loss from certain medications can yield unexpected treatment outcomes. Practitioners must carefully consider these factors before commencing aligner treatment.

In light of these considerations, all stakeholders must identify the specific issues affecting aligners promptly. Once identified, appropriate action can be taken to expedite replacements and steer the patient’s treatment back on course.

Quiteclear distinguishes itself as a dental clear aligner manufacturing partner, prioritizing quality over quantity. Our focus lies in delivering top-tier clear aligners with exceptional finishing and offering flexible ordering options, including thermoforming foil brands, trims, and packaging selections. As a client, you can concentrate on establishing your aligner brand while we handle the white-label clear aligner production for you.

We invite you to connect with us at or call us at +91 9909973333. We look forward to engaging with you and providing further insights into our pioneering work in the realm of clear aligners. Above all, we remain dedicated to empowering you with the freedom to select the ideal solutions for your unique requirements.

Arti Amin

Through their articles, Arti Amin aims to demystify the sourcing of clear aligners, address common concerns involving decision-making of production vs outsourcing, and provide practical tips for navigating the orthodontic journey. Their writing not only informs readers but also inspires them to take control of their clear aligner business and provide crucial information on the nitty-gritty of the emerging clear-aligner trend that is taking over how Orthodontic treatments will be performed in the oncoming years.

About Quiteclear

Quiteclear is a leading manufacturer of clear aligners, committed to providing high-quality, innovative orthodontic solutions. Our mission is to make orthodontic treatment accessible to those who wish to outsource their manufacturing needs to a white-label manufacturer without getting into the messy production but at the same time be able to offer such advancement in Orthodontics at their practice. With state-of-the-art technology and a time-centric approach, we are transforming smiles worldwide.

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